Hannah May-Tosaki

Hannah May-Tosaki

After Twilight of Imagination, the landscape of the Nexus changed forever. The Celestials once thought of solely as products of myth and legend, have now fully entered the public eye. The Ancient Sorcerer Merlin returned from exile and, along with his brother Enigma, resigned from Management, handing the keys to the Big 3 entirely to the Ancient Guardians. All this would go to show that the Nexus would never be the same again. But even these changes would pale compared to what the Next Generation would reveal. Over time, an unbreakable bond would form between three individuals of the next-gen, forming an unstoppable trio. Aurora has the brains and knowledge of the 3, Janet has the Power, but Hannah, well, she has the influence and courage to use it for the better of all.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like her mother, Hannah is an Ethereal being that exists primarily as Pure Energy. Due to this fact she can reshape her physical form entirely at will. Though unlike her Mother, Hannah has chosen to keep her form close to what she was born with. She typically uses an average feminine form, not too atheletic, but also not entirely out of shape either.

Special abilities

As Hannah is the child of The Matrix of Reality and a Particle Synthetic, she holds immense potential.

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Quanta Veritas

Hannah has inherited a fragment of the Matrix of Reality Crystal that was embedded in her Mother all those years ago. Though she does not have the whole Imaginarium Crystal within her, this has not reduced the potency of what it grants her. In fact, the fragment seems to have only gotten more potent after being mixed with the Particle Powers her Father holds.
  • True Immortality: Due to the nature of the crystal infused within her, Hannah holds a Type 4 True Immortality curse, making it impossible for her to truly be killed off. She also has a Type 3 True Immortality Curse, just as Aurora does, due to her ability to reforge her entire being using the particles around her if she was to somehow have her physical form destroyed
  • Supernatural Strength: Hannah has a strength score of 2.8125 quadrillion, making her 2,812,499,999,999,995 times stronger than the baseline human and 2,812,499,999,999,960 times stronger than the strongest a corporeal form can be before undergoing their first ascension rite. Her maximum Carrying Capacity is a staggering 35 TeraTons or 35,156,250,000,000 TONS
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    She could very easily drop a moon on you if she felt like she needed to.
  • Supernatural Perception: Hannah has a perception score of 2.8125 quadrillion, making her 2,812,499,999,999,995 times more perceptive than the baseline human and 2,812,499,999,999,960 times more perceptive than the most perceptive a corporeal form can be before undergoing their first ascension rite, with a Visual Acuity of 11250000000000000/20. This means she can see what an average baseline human would be able to see at 20 feet away from a distance of 11250000000000000 feet or 0.3 light years away from her.
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    Needless to say, you won't be able to sneak up on her very easily.
  • Supernatural Endurance: Hannah has an Endurance score of 2.8125 quadrillion, allowing her to tank almost any blow with ease, making her, for all practical purposes, completely invulnerable.
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    She would very easily beat Johnathan or Franklin in a battle of endurance
  • Supernatural Charisma: Hannah has a Charisma score of 2.8125 quadrillion, allowing her to easily charm almost anyone in existence. She normally uses her insane Charisma to allow her to end conflicts between two parties without a drop of blood being spilled on either side.
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    Just like her Ancestor was able to all those eons back.
  • Supernatural Intellect: From an early age, it was clear Hannah would very quickly surpass her Mother's title as. Now that she has fully come into her own, she has an intellect score of 2.8125 quadrillion giving her an IQ of 56,250,000,000,000,000. She is one of the only individuals to have passed every stage of the CIAP, making her an Omega class prodigy, on par with her Mother in stature.
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    Needless to say, even the likes of Brainiac do not hold a candle to her in intellect.
  • Supernatural Agility: Hannah has a perception score of 2.8125 quadrillion, making her 2,812,499,999,999,995 times more agile than the baseline human and 2,812,499,999,999,960 times more agile than the most agile a corporeal form can be before undergoing their first ascension rite This makes her top speed is 11,250,000,000,000,000 miles per hour or 1913.713 times the speed of light.
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    Which isn't exactly head-pat speed, though it most certainly goes well above how fast even her Mother could go.
  • Supernatural Luck: Dianna has a Luck score of 56.25 trillion, making her quite possibly one of the luckiest people in existence.
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    She could very easily take Lucky Girl and Clover for a spin without much effort.
  • Supernatural Spirit: Dianna has a Spirit Score of 56.25 trillion, making her magical potential one of the highest on record, even exceeding that of Management. She has endless energy at her disposal for all intents and purposes.
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    She could very easily give The Ancient one a run for their money in a battle of mystics, though Ramon still exceeds her magical prowess.

Herrscher of Reality

Due to the fact the Matrix of Reality Crystal draws its power from the Imaginary Tree itself, Hannah has become a unique Herrscher-level entity beyond even what NaCL, or even Valor or Extinction, were capable of. This grants her the following capabilities:

    Absolute Lightforce Manipulation
    Hannah is capable of controlling Lightforce at an omnipotent level, granting Hannah access to many different abilities.
  • Light Energy Constructs: Hannah can manifest constructs out of the Lightforce, making knives, blades, and even light spheres
  • Hope Manipulation: Hannah can use Lightforce to Manipulate the Hopes of others. She can give hope back to those who have lost all of it, ensuring they realize that not all hope is lost.
    • Hope Perception: When touching someone else, Hannah is capable of viewing the hopes and dreams of others, allowing her to gain a better perspective on a target and even help the target fulfill their dream
  • Light of Eternity: Hannah can heal anyone from the brink of death and even purify most forms of corruption from within a target. She can even utilize this to resurrect the dead, a feat her Mother could only pull off after bonding with Lethe.
  • Memory Reading: Hannah can use the combined powers of both the Darkforce and Lightforce to look into the memories of a target. When Hannah dives into one's memories, she can manifest an avatar within the memory as an observer. They cannot alter this memory, but they can speak to the people within there. This makes this technique more akin to creating a temporary samsara space compared to other more typical methods of memory reading.
  • Combination with Darkforce: By combining both the Darkforce and Lightforce together, Hannah can unite both sides of the coin, potentially resulting in a multitude of effects, though it is currently unclear at this time what the result of this would be.

Absolute Darkforce Manipulation
Hannah can control Darkforce at an omnipotent level, granting her access to a whole arsenal of different abilities.
  • Intangibility and Invisibility: Hannah can utilize Darkforce to turn themselves completely invisible as well as manipulate their molecular makeup to allow them to become completely intangible. This will enable her to be utterly undetected if need be.
  • Matter Absorption: Hannah is capable of turning material objects into Darkforce before completely absorbing the object in question.
  • Energy Absorption: Hannah can utilize Darkforce to absorb the energies around her before concentrating her absorbed energy into a massive energy blast, completely decimating anything in the path of the energy blast. It is currently unknown if Hannah has any limits to how much she can absorb.
  • Darkforce Manifestation:Hannah is capable of projecting Darkforce manifestations. These normally would act like sentient shadows, but as they are not forming from the Shadowforce, entities like Corruptix or other Shadowforce-aligned entities would be incapable of using these dark force projections as a vector for their own manifestation.
  • Teleportation: Hannah can use the Darkforce to teleport herself and others from one place or another, using the dark dimension as a vector to do so.
  • Fear Perception: Using the Darkforce, Hannah can detect the fears of others by simply touching them and can choose to either amplify them or, by using Lightforce, replace their fears with hope instead, effectively curing them of their fear.
  • Darkforce Absorption: Hannah can absorb others entirely into the Darkforce, effectively causing them to be banished to the Dark Dimension.
  • Shadow of Darkness: Utilizing Darkforce, Hannah is capable of a twisted form of necromancy, allowing her to raise the dead to aid her or any ally she wishes.
  • Combination with Lightforce: By combining both the Darkforce and Lightforce together, Hannah can unite both sides of the coin, potentially resulting in a multitude of effects, though it is currently unclear at this time what the result of this would be.
    Authority of Reason
    As the Herrscher of Omni-Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Reason once held. This grants her the following abilities:
  • Divine Recall: Hannah has an Eidetic Memory, making it nigh impossible for her to ever forget anything. This also grants her immunity from Memory Manipulation, though this does not grant her immunity from acts done by Mnemosyne or the Bond to Memorius.
  • Reason Manifest: Using a combination of her particle reconstruction powers and the Power of Reason, Hannah is capable of recreating any object or machinery, provided she holds an innate understanding of its inner workings. When combining it with her Particle Reconstruction power, she can also tweak the inner working of an existing device to fit her needs.
  • Domain of Quantum Revelation Hannah can use the Powers of Reason along with her Quantix Powers to create a replica of the Domain of Revelation supercharged with Quantix Energies. When someone gets hit with a blast from this cannon, they will experience a Molecular Destabilization event, resulting in the particles that make up their body quickly undergoing criticality, turning them into a Fission Bomb with the mass of the poor soul that becomes the target. Currently, however, this power has yet to be used by her, so any description of how devastating it could be is purely speculative at this time.
    Authority of Void
    As the Herrscher of Omni-Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Void once held. This grants her the following abilities:
  • Spacetime Manipulation: Like Sirin and K-423 before her, Hannah is capable of spacetime manipulation. This allows her to open Void Gateways to a destination of her choice. These Gateways function akin to Einstien-Rosen bridges, or more commonly known as wormholes.
  • Quantum Freeze:Using a combination of her particle abilities along with the Authority of Void, Hannah is capable of freezing an area of space around a target, effectively freezing them in place while she herself is fully capable of moving. Due to the fact this method does not actually freeze time around the target, those who would be immune to Temporal Manipulation are not also immune to this technique.
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    Though this means nothing to a Celestial such as Chronos, as they can just walk right out of the Freeze field like nothing happened.
  • Authority of Quanta: Combining her Void Gateways with her Particles Powers allows Hannah to create Quantum Void Portals, allowing her to send a target directly into the Sea itself. She can expand these to be large enough to swallow an entire planet at best, though it's very likely she could make them to be even more significant if needed.
  • Void Creation: By Combining her Particle Abilities and the Authority of Void, Hannah is capable of reshaping the Void itself, allowing her to create planets and even life where there was none to speak of. When Combining this power with those granted by her Creation Incarnate Tree, this power is boosted exponentially, allowing her to compress the Void itself into the size of a pin, effectively recreating the circumstances of the Big Bang, thereby causing an entirely new universe to spring into being.
    Authority of Sanction
    As the Herrscher of Omnii-Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Thunder once held. This grants her with the following abilities:
  • Electrical Manipulation: Like Raiden Mei before her, Hannah can manipulate electrical energy, allowing her to pull off a variety of different abilities:
    • Divine Retribution: Hannah can create a bolt of raw electrical energy to send at a target, dealing massive amounts of damage to them.
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      Though whenever she uses this power, Zeus and Thor jointly send her a Cease and Desist notice for allegedly stealing their thing.
    • Skip a Beat: By condensing a large amount of Electrical energy into a simple tap, Hannah can make a target's heart skip a beat, quite literally, as this can induce cardiac arrest in a target. This can also be used reversely to restart someone's heart, akin to how a Defibulator can restart one's heart from beating.
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      This does put quite a new meaning to when people say her touch makes their heart skip a beat, though, doesn't it?
    • Spring in your step: By carefully applying a minimal amount of electrical energy into a target, Hannah can give a temporary boost to their agility, though she is unable to give too much of a boost without risking the results of using Skip a Beat occurring instead.
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      After all, when adding a smidge of lightning, one needs to be careful not to add too much, or they will end up with a charred corpse instead of a speed boost.
    • Electrical Overdrive Hannah can apply a large electrical boost to any machinery she wishes, including those she creates using Reason Manifest. This amplifies the capabilities of any device the boost is applied to exponentially.
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      The results of using Overdrive would be very similar to when Thor struck Iron Man with lightning using his hammer.
    • Lights Out! By producing a large pulse of electromagnetic energy, Hannah is capable of creating an EMP effect knocking most forms of electronics entirely offline.
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      Making it so it is Lights Out for the metropolitan area due to the blackout she would have created.
  • Weather Manipulation: Using the Authority of Sanction, Hannah is capable of creating Thunderstorms along with other electrical storms. When combining this Authority along with the Authority of Wind, she gains the capacity to create all forms of storms, from EF-7 Tornados to Category 20 Hurricanes. She is also capable of combining these abilities with her Quantum alignment ability set to create Quantum Storms.
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    Even Mother Nature herself would fear pissing her off, let alone the poor souls of the planet she upset.
    Authority of Wind
    As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Wind once held. This grants her with the following abilities:
  • Wind Manipulation: Hannah is capable of manipulating the winds themselves, changing their speed and strength on a whim.
    Authority of Ice
    As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Ice once held. This grants her with the following abilities:
  • Temperature Manipulation: Hannah can slow down or speed up the movement of particles in any substance or target, resulting in the target either heating up or cooling down entirely.
  • Absolute Permafrost: By slowing the particles down of a target to the point where they stop moving entirely, Hannah can effectively freeze said target in a permafrost state where they cannot move again until Hannah chooses to unfreeze them.
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    Though she has never used this ability, it is theorized that if she did, the particles within the target might end up immediately and instantly heating back up to the temperatures of the Genesis Constant, effectively making the target the origin point for a big bang explosion and forming a small universe inside them.
  • Cold to the touch: Utilizing the Authority of Ice, Hannah can make her own skin ice cold to the touch, preventing any attempts to harm her physically as anyone who touches her would instantly get hit with frostbite when they do so.
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    Needless to say, Ice Queen got nothing on how cold she can be.
    Authority of Death
    As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Death once held. This grants her with the following abilities:
  • Death's Authority: Utilizing the Authority of Death, Hannah can make her very touch cause necrosis in a target, effectively forcing cell death on the spot. This would deal devastating levels of damage to a living target. This also allows her to command the undead with the highest level of Authority, exceeding even the Will itself in many cases.
  • Life's Authority:On the Flipside, Hannah can also induce life in a target, either by reverting the necrosis of an undead or by allowing one to quickly regenerate all their wounds. She can also fully cure someone of the Houkai Radiation Sickness.
  • A second chance:Hannah can utilize the Authority of Death to give someone a second chance at life by resurrecting them, provided their soul has not yet reached the Door. If it has, she will need to ask Hanaka or Lil to allow the soul to escape before she attempts to resurrect them.
    Authority of Flame
    As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Flames once held. This has also combined with the Creation and Destruction Incarnate abilities she has inherited from her Mother to grant her the following abilities:
  • True Flame Manipulation: Hannah has nigh-complete control over all forms of fire, including Aspect Flames such as the Purple and Blue Flame. This, however, does not give her the same level of Authority over the Domain of Pyrus as the Flamekeeper or Prometheus himself holds.
  • Creation Incarnate Like her Mother before her, Hannah can transform into her Creation Incarnate form. In this form, she can repair and restore anything to its pristine state, even introducing life back to a once desolate world. She can also restore life to those who are on the brink of death and even resurrect those who have passed on. She also can purify any corruption one might hold, breaking any curse the target has with relative ease, with the sole exceptions being True Immortality Curses like the Curse of Sin or the Phoenix Curse, as well as the Corruptix. This form can also create directly from the Void itself, instead of just restoring damages, just like her Mother could after boding with Lethe.
    • Localized Material Manipulation: Hannah is capable of creating matter from the very depths of Oblivion itself, although she does not have the same level of control over the material plane as the material keeper does, if the Material keeper decides to aid her, this power is made exponentially more potent
    • Localized Nature Manipulation: Hannah is capable of manipulating and creating nature on even the most desolate of planes, though without the aid of either The Druid of Life or Gaia's Guardian, her effects will vanish after she leaves the area.
    • Purifying Light: Using both the Lightforce and the powers of Creation, Hannah is capable of purifying away almost any form of corruption as well as breaking almost every curse with relative ease.
    • Existence Manipulation: Like her Mother before her, Hannah's Creation Incarnate form is capable of performing existence manipulation, allowing her a level of control over existence that is completely unparalleled.

    Destruction Incarnate When Taking on her Destruction Incarnate form, Hannah is capable of doing unprecedented levels of Destruction, with every single attack of hers now being Oblivion-based damage, a hybrid of true and pure damage that can altogether bypass any and all immunities a target might have, as well as completely shred through any and all defenses. Using this form, she can easily shatter a planet with a simple punch and even damage the very fabric of reality if she so chooses.
    • The Flames of Destruction: In her Destruction Incarnate form, Hannah is entirely enveloped in the Purple flame, allowing her to absolutely decimate anywhere she wishes. She also is entirely immune to the Purple Flame while in this form.
      • Zeroth Power: Oblivion Demise: Hannah's Destruction Incarnate form transforms from being enveloped in Purple Flames to being completely enveloped in strange starry black flames; it is unknown precisely what these flames are capable of.
    • Nothingness Manipulation: Like her Mother before her, Hannah's Destruction Incarnate form can perform Nothingness manipulation, giving her unprecedented control over the very Void itself. She can turn what she wishes back into the Void it sprung up from.
    Authority of Sentience
    As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Sentience once held. This grants her with the following abilities:
  • Mental Manipulation: Hannah is capable of manipulating the mind of a target, allowing her to sway their actions towards an outcome she desires. She would normally use this to help broker peace between two opposing sides in a war without the need for bloodshed.
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    Just like her famed ancestor Shizuku was capable of before her.
  • Illusion Manipulation: Hannah is able to use the Authority of Sentience to create entirely lifelike illusions, its nigh impossible to see through any illusions she makes, as she holds the 3rd highest Authority when it comes to creating illusions.
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    However, Janet and her father Leo would be able to see through the illusions with ease regardless due to holding the highest and 2nd highest Authority, respectively.
  • Dream Manipulation: Using the Authority of Sentience, Hannah is capable of manipulating a target's dreams, either by turning them into a Samsara or making one's nightmares a good dream instead. She can also use said dreams as a medium to more subtly influence the target more via the subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind itself.
  • Dreamwalking: Hannah is capable of pulling off the technique of Dreamwalking, allowing her to enter and take over the body of another copy of her that exists in another timeline. However, this has been said to come with drastic consequences after continued use of the technique.
Authority of Stars
As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Star once held. This grants her the ability to manipulate and control gravitational waves, creating Blackholes and allowing her to bend space-time to an even greater extent than just with her Authority of Void.
Authority of Domination
As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Domination once held. This would allow her to form the same hivemind that the Domination Herrscher was able to control, as well as giving her a low-level Authority over Imaginary Constructs.
Authority of Binding
As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Binding once held. This grants her nigh-omnipotent control over the flow of most energy types, granting her the 3rd highest Authority over them. Though this would not allow her to override the control of Reiryoku or other Primordial Energies without permission from Efreet or Mio, or the celestial in charge of said energy, as they hold the highest Authority for said energies. Due to the Properties of this Authority, Hannah is also entirely immune to energy manipulation, or any other form of energy nullification technique,
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Even Pariahs or other True Nulls are unable to neutralize her power or even drain her power away.
This also appears to allow her the ability to nullify any HW she would be emitting, thereby preventing her from becoming a carrier for Houkai Radiation herself.
Authority of Corruption
As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the same Authority the Herrscher of Corruption once held. This grants her the power to hijack and completely take over any technological infrastructure, no matter how advanced; this, in turn, would give her SuperUser privileges on any infrastructure she needs access to.
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This alone would place her on Hank's List, once Michael figures out she has this power that is.
Unknown Authority # 13
As the Herrscher of Reality, Hannah holds access to the Herrscher's Authority, allowing her to command all types of Houkai beasts; she is also fully capable of doing so even without taking a contract with the Will to do so.

Daughter of the Vessel

Just like her Mother before her, Hannah exists as a being of Pure Energy. As such, she can completely remake her physical form on the fly, along with a few other abilities.
  • Complete Physical Immunity: As an Ethereal, Hannah cannot be hurt by purely physical attacks, as Ethereals have no physical form to attack, to begin with.
  • The Light from Heaven: Hannah can produce concentrated energy blasts capable of obliterating almost any target. To those on the ground, this particular attack will look like a bright light came from the heavens and obliterated the targets.
  • Energy Transference: Hannah can transfer some of her energy to a target, giving them a quick jolt of energy when they most need it.
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    Sometimes quite literally, like when using skip a beat.
    She is also capable of absorbing energy from others, just like her Mother demonstrated when absorbing the Houkai energy from her father, Haruhiko.
  • Protector of the Realms: Hannah can form a shield dome around a target, protecting them from harm. This dome will absorb and redirect any damage dealt to it, while keeping those inside entirely safe from harm as long as the barrier is intact.

Kin of Quanta

Due to her Father's Particle abilities having mixed with the Matrix of Reality crystal she has inherited from her Mother, Hanah holds nigh-absolute control over the Quantum Realm itself, even exceeding Aurora in her Authority level over it. This grants her the following abilities:

    Energy of Atom by Agsandrew | Dreamstime.com

  • Particle Utilization
    Hannah is fully capable of augmenting the particles around them at a Nigh-Omnipotent level, a feat originally only possible to pull off by Particle Synthetics like her Father and Aurora's Mother.
    • Particle Reconstruction - Like Aurora, Hannah is capable of utilizing Particle Reconstruction, a healing type ability that not only heals biologics, it can indefinitely restore lost limbs, organs, and anything, even bring the dead back to life, it can also affect Non-biologics in the same way, making this a Universal Healing/Resurrect/Repair Skill.
    • Particle Disguise - Hannah is capable of utilizing Particle Disguise, allowing for the total disguising of a specific individual in every physical aspect, even in DNA and whatever natural abilities the individual they have turned into has access to.
    • Particle Shifting - Hannah is capable of Particle Shifting, the ability to shrink and grow objects; this has no limit as to how small or how large the thing can turn into, even allowing them to shrink them to subatomic if they so wished.
    • Particle Summoning - Hannah is capable of summoning Particle entities that are fully immortal and bound to the Summoner; there are no limits to what entity can be invoked as long as the Summoner knows who or what is summoned.
    • Particle Eyes - Hannah is capable of using the molecular particles around her as if they were her own eyes, effectively granting her a limited form of Omnipresence in a very roundabout way. She is also can use the particles to relay signals of any kind.
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      Like to say, poke someone in the face without them actually being there.

    Quantum Realm Concept Art(Ant man and the Wasp) by Olivier Pron

    Quantum Realm Travel
    As Hannah is a Kin of Quanta, she can access the Quantum Realm or Sea of Quanta and traverse it relatively easily. Due to the fact the Matrix of Reality Crystal embedded within her draws its power from the Imaginary Realm, she also gains limited access to the Imaginary Realm. However, she can only travel within it, compared to Janet, who can completely control the Imaginary Realm.
    Quantix Alignment
    Thank's to Hannah's Quantum Alignment, she can call upon the denizens of the Quantum Sea to aid her if need be. All Quantum Shadows are also rendered docile in her presence. She holds the highest Authority level when it comes to controlling the Quantum Shadows, exceeding even Aurora's Authority over them. This means that if Aurora were to try and fight Hannah using the shadows as her army, Hannah would be able to hijack control of the shadows without any issue.
  • Imaginary Realm Access:
    Hannah can access the domain of Imagination herself, granting her the ability to travel the Imaginary Realm. However, she has far less control over the Imaginary Plane than Janet, as she only holds low-level Authority over it.
    • Imaginary Realm Travel: Hannah can Open portals into the Imaginary Realm, allowing her to use the plane itself as a method of travel; she, however, cannot allow others to use her gateways into the Imaginary Realm without assistance from Janet, or someone else with a higher authority level over the Imaginary Realm than her.
    • Imaginary Branch Travel: Hannah is capable of traveling to other branches of the Imaginary Tree. She however, cannot allow others to access these branches without assistance from Janet, or someone else with a higher authority level over the Imaginary Realm than her

      Blessing of Authority

      Hannah only recently discovered she had access to this power during her time in the ARKs, and made quick use of it to help assist those who were having trouble. When she uses this power, she seems to be able to see inside others to find out what is actually troubling them so she can help resolve these troubles. It is unclear where this power actually originates, but Kaz mentioned it could have to do with her newly discovered Myridian Ancestry.

      Nexus Being: Destiny Trio by LegendaryFawfulWaffle

      Nexus Being: Destiny Triplet


      Child of Courage


      ██████ ██ █████████████

  • Specialized Equipment

    As of her 18th birthday, Hannah inherited the Tosaki Amulet that her Father gifted to her Mother back in the 5th era. She also has a Collective standard issue WATCH and a standard-issue Gatekeeper Key that she always carries on her.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    To improve readability, we have decided to split this section into "Chapters," as it were. Each section will have a Header above it which you can access from the Table of Contents for this entry.

    Chapter 1: A Destined Rebirth

    Hannah was born to Diana May-Tosaki and Haruhiko Tosaki on February 28th, 4113, around 33 years after Twilight of Imagination was successfully averted. From an early age, it became apparent that she would go on to do great things. After she met Aurora and Janet for the first time, it became abundantly clear that those 3 would become entirely inseparable. Though Hannah would prove to be far timider compared to Aurora and Janet, all 3 of them quickly became the best of friends. After some minor pressure from Aurora and Janet, all 3 of them chose to enroll in the institute together. It was there that Hannah had the first accidental manifestation of her powers. Aurora, Janet, and Hannah were taking their first freshman year class with Agent 507 and Agent 663 when Agent 507 was asked to step out of the room by the Headmaster, and she left her pen on the desk. While 507 was out of the room, Aurora and Janet decided to look at the pen as they heard a rumor from David that it was no ordinary writing utensil. Aurora handed it to Hannah so they could take a closer look at it, as she was curious about what could be so special about a pen. Unfortunately, the second Hannah held the pen in her hand, the pen suddenly grew to the size of the entire room, sending everything into the walls across the room. Needless to say, once 507 and the Headmaster came back, they were less than pleased.
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    Though watching the several-mile-long pen absolutely demolish the entire classroom definitely brought new meaning to the phrase "the Pen is mightier than the sword."

    Chapter 2: A Confirmed Reincarnate

    After the first few classes, Hannah actually graduated 3rd in her class, just behind Aurora and Janet, making her an Omega Extremis Class Prodigy, on par with her Mother, the original prodigy. It was then that her Mother and Father chose to give her the Tosaki pendant as a Graduation Present. It was then that something completely unexpected happened. The Pendant reacted to her in a fashion that never even occurred to Diana when she was given it, revealing something that Higokumru had suspected since Hannah was born. Hannah's soul is far older than it initially seemed. The Morai had decided it was time to grant a second chance and give new life to Hannah Tosaki, Haru's youngest sister, as their only daughter, Hannah May-Tosaki. Once this was discovered, Higokumaru began tagging along with Hannah whenever they had the chance to do so, making her an invaluable friend and ally for Hannah as she began to piece together who she once was and who she is meant to become today. A while later, Hannah and her friends were invited to the Garden for Eliza's wedding. Unlike many previous weddings before, this one was rather uneventful, save for the end, when a domestic dispute between Cyan and Evangeline caught Hannah's attention. Hannah wanted to try and help them get through it, but got stopped by Adelyn saying that this would not help, enlisting her help to plan their upcoming anniversary instead. Hannah agreed to this plan and they set up a time to meet and plan this out.


    Aurora AI

    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Hannah May-Tosaki



    Hannah May-Tosaki

    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Aurora AI



    Janet Delacruz-Watch

    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Hannah May-Tosaki



    Hannah May-Tosaki

    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Janet Delacruz-Watch



    This is a Stub

    History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

    This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

    Rift Born Entry

    Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

    This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

    WIP Character Entry

    Your story has only just begun.

    This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

    The Daughter of Diana May-Tosaki and Haruhiko Tosaki, and the very first Particula Veritas to come into existence.

    Character Location
    View Character Profile
    IMG Type by Fawfulwaffle
    QUA Type by Fawfulwaffle
    Nexus Being: Destiny Trio by LegendaryFawfulWaffle
    Power Class
    Omega Extremis G1916.6666666666665
    Power Classifcation
    Codex Personnel ID
    Part Particula Veritas/Part-Myridian
    Theme Song
    Date of Birth
    February 28th 4113
    Year of Birth
    4113 Y 39 Years old
    Current Residence
    Dimension K
    Left Eye is Amber, right eye is a very Distinct Blue, both eyes have an occult symbol showing on them
    Long sleek Brown hair, tied up into a ponytail in the back.

    Cover image: Hannah May-Tosaki Closeup (V4) by Fawfulwaffle/Ironworks


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