The Ancient Guardian of Creation, the Doctor, the OMEGA. Of all the Ancient Guardians, Oliver has had a far more direct hand in the shaping of the Current Era than any other.
- Age
- Almost as old as the Nexus itself.
- Date of Birth
- Unknown, Presumably Early 1st Era
- Eyes
- Creation Blue Eyes
- Hair
- Short Black Hair
Body Features
Like most cursed with the Phoenix Curse, Oliver Bravesoul bears a Phoenix Mark on their dominant forearm. At first glance, it would appear to be just an intricate tatoo to most if they witnessed it, but those who understand the nature of the Curse, know it is far more than just a cool looking mark,
Apparel & Accessories
Ever since the events of pyûnf prû men, Oliver Bravesoul tends to follow a "Business Casual" attire, with a suit and tie. Even 70 years past the events of that fateful battle, he continues to wear this attire in most situations.
Show spoiler
Specialized Equipment
Like most members of the Triquetra, Oliver has a standard issue Collective WATCH. It is also said he keeps a copy of an old RI device from his days as the Doctor of Rhodes Island.
Special abilities
As the Ancient Guardian of Creation, Oliver Bravesoul has a multitude of Unique Abilities, those known of which can be found listed below:
Ancient Guardian Genetics
As the Ancient Guardian of Creation, Oliver Bravesoul holds Ancient Guardian "Genetics". Similarly to the Celestials, there is some debate on whether Genetics is the proper term for this, though there isn't another term that the Triquetra has been able to come up with and agree on for this, so we will just refer to this as Genetics for now.
- Apexed Guardian: As the Ancient Guardian of Creation, Oliver has far exceeded the Singularity Trigger and thus classifies as an Apex Ascended being. This results in him holding a Type 6 True Immortality Curse, capable of resurrecting himself from certian death after a certian amount of time has passed. However, this is unlikely to be used, as his Type 2 Immortality would take precedence.
Personal Data
Name Oliver Bravesoul
Species Ancient Guardian
Biological age 25
Chronological Age
Appearance Description
STR 32142858
PER 32142857
END 32142857
CHA 32142857
INT 32142857
AGI 32142857
LUC 32142857
SPIR 225000000
Ascension Level 22.423421665653848
Statcap 335544320.0
MP 57857142825000000/57857142825000000
HP 2410714300
Max MP None
Max HP 2410714300
Power Classification Sigma Extremis
Ascension Keys 0
Is soulless?
Offensive Will 1028571424
Defensive Will 1028571424
WQ 2121428562
Melee Dmg(By hand) 96428572
Accuracy 385714284
Evasion 385714284
IQ 642857140
Max Speed 128571428
Visual Acuity 70714285.4
Creation's Guardian
As Oliver is the Ancient Guardian of Creation, Oliver holds a semi-unique position as Creation's Guardian, granting him the following abilities:
- Psuedo-Creation's Authority: ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
Herald of the Blue Phoenix
Like his Children, Oliver is cursed with the Phoenix Curse, granting him access to a specific subset of abilities only those with the Curse have access to.
- Born of the Ashes, Risen from the Ashes: As part of the Phoenix Curse, fatal damage done to him will instead immedietely trigger his Phoenix Transformation, preventing him from ever being fully killed. This results in him holding a Type 2 True Immortality Curse, on top of the Type 6 granted by Apexed Guardian. As this is a much higher level True Immortality effect, it takes precedence over the Apex Resurrection factor and triggers first.
- Psion of the Blue Flame: As part of Oliver's particular strain of the Phoenix Curse, he holds native control and summonability for the Blue Flame, the Flame of Creation. This means he doesn't need to use the Aspects or pay to keep the Blue Flame by his side, as he and the Blue Flame are one.
- Born from the Fires of Creation: Oliver's Phoenix Transformation Skill results in him turning into a Phoenix entirely made up of the Blue Flame itself, protecting and healing him, as well as allowing him to heal his allies up completely with the power of his flames.
Personal history
To improve readability, we have decided to split this section into "Chapters," as it were. Each section will have a Header above it which you can access from the Table of Contents for this entry.
Preface [strikethrough]Or, Sage's small rant about how hard it was to even begin to catalog this[/strikethrough]
Before we get into the beginning of Oliver's history, it is worth taking some time to explain why Oliver's history is a little... muddled to say the least.. One of the first things you discover when you begin to try and compile a personal history for someone like Oliver is that the history itself, contradicts itself in several different ways. For one, back in the 3rd and 4th era, there was a time that, according to established history, Oliver, known back then as The Omega, created the Nexus himself(the term for this place was even named after him for a time, supporting this supposed fact) was the last of his kind, an "Author"(whatever that means) and was originally known as the Mortal who attempted to save and recreate his world. However, ALL of this gets immedietely contradicted when you cross reference this "history" with the "new history" established after Damien and Elio's first public appearances later into the 4th era, which state that Omega was created in Elio's image and that's why he has the Phoenix Curse Elio holds(Which his holding of the Phoenix Curse can at least be verified by the fact Oliver's Children are also proven to also hold it). This form of "history" at least has verifiable evidence to back it up in the form of the curse his three children Althea, Ashia and Frost hold, but it AGAIN gets contradicted by the reveals of the DWs in the 5th era, when David revealed the existence of Management back to the Public, revealing they were behind the Nexus and created Oliver first, at least 100 years BEFORE the Phoenix Project that produced Elio's existence had even STARTED[strikethrough]Don't ask how that even works since he allegedly was born with the Phoenix Curse, a curse that is directly embodied by Elio, someone who he predates by at minimum 100 years. Oh and his Origin isn't even the most muddled part about all this... His supposed signature weapon throws an even bigger wrench in all of this. Some sources claim Oblivionaire was given to him after he bested the first Death and managed to crack the first Oblivion key, the key to Apothesis(Oh yeah, thosekeys were also a thing for a time... Allegedly...) Other sources say Elio bestowed it on him before entering his slumber... And others say Management gave it to him before going entirely off the grid. Oh and when you look at Era 5 Information and Post pyûnf prû men information, Oblivionaire was said to be a form of Excalibur and directly forged by Damien back in Pre-Nexus time, with only him or someone sharing his same "Ambition" being able to reforge it after it is shattered(Not even Lil could reforge it herself when she tried originally). But there are records showing he shattered and reforged it himself at least 5 times, as that was a part of the Golden Lever Protocol and a part of a failsafe he created that Delta and Origin triggered Mid-Age 4 requiring a reconstruction of the Real...... OH RIGHT, ORIGIN... He was allegedly a thing for a time as well! And both him and Origin combined together to release Lethe, what was known to be the Proto-Theta... But Lethe isn't a Proto-Theta at all, she's the bonafide Regulator of Oblivion.... But all the Regulators were sealed in the Shards of Oblivioniare/Excalibur... But we have historical documents showing the Proto Theta Lethe showed up during a wedding incident in the 4th era...? [strikethrough] Side note: Why was it always weddings where existential catastrophes like that occured? Did someone just piss off whatever deity of weddings exists and they cursed every weddng to have the inevitable party crashed???[/strikethrough]
Needless to say... It's abundantly clear that basically all historical documentation that we had on Oliver's past can't be trusted by any stretch of the word. With this in mind... we are going to disregard basically any information we have from other sources on Oliver's past, and only work off of what Oliver himself was able to tell us regarding his history. This unfortunately means we'll have some holes in his history that we cannot feasibly plug, like whatever the hell happened to him during the period between when he first crash landed on Terra, and when he was woken up by Amiya in Chernobog, as even he still doesn't recall what all happened during that. But in the interest of making sure we can provide as accurate a personal history as possible without risking contradictions, we'll have to make due with what Oliver was willing to tell us regarding his past.
Chapter 1: Creation of a Guardian
Oliver was was created early into the 1st era by Management as part of the Guardian Project. As the first completely artificial Guardian, unlike the Proto-Guardian Leonardo, Codename: Omega, as Oliver was originally called, had no emotions or even a personality at the start. Born as a simple program designed to regulate Creation as a whole, Omega spent the initial days of his existence within the Epicenter being monitored directly by Merlin and Doctor Enigma. This all changed however, by the time of the Mark 33 Cataclysm and shattering. During the aftermath from this event, it was revealed that both Omega and Damien had somehow gained some semblance of sentiece as a side effect. This resulted in Management placing them under even stricter monitoring paramters in order to try and determine how this even occured... Unfortunately, unlike the case for Dark, Omega's initial spark of Sentience proved to be fleeting, as he soon reverted back to his program-like mentality.
Chapter 2: A Game of Wits
After the exile and sealing of Doctor Enigma near the end of the 1st era, Merlin secluded himself from the general public, giving Omega and Dark a lot less oversight into their operations going into the 2nd Era. Shortly after this occured, Dark, for reasons that would become much clearer later, ended up starting a sibiling rivalry with his younger brother Omega and proposed a contest. A battle of wits as he called it, using the Simulation Chamber within the Epicenter to simulate a battle between them both. The rules for said battle were simple.. Two rounds, one side defends while the other attacks, defender swapping with the attacker in the next round. No attacking or Defending directly, instead using forces provided by the Sim. Game would continue alternating rounds until one side fully conceded to the other. Omega agreed to these rules, and so they both begun this challenge, with Omega serving as the Defender for the first round. Unfortunately for Omega, he very quickly lost the first round, unable to defend properly Round 2, didn't fare much better for him, as it was quickly made clear he was even worse at attempting to attack than he was at defending. Omega was almost ready to concede, but Dark wasn't going to let them quit so easily. Ignoring his growing desire to fully concede, he disabled the ability for them to leave the Sim Chamber, forcing them to go at it again by tying the option to leave to Omega forcing Dark to concede rather than letting Omega concede himself. This inevitably forced him to continue this battle several times over in order to gain the ability to leave. But, as fate would have it, with each subsequent repitition, Omega got closer and closer to actually succeeding at defending against Dark's attack, with improvements, albeit far less quickly, at attacking as well. By the time of the 9999th iteration, Dark was on the backfoot in both attacking and defending, losing decisively to Omega. Dark, satisfied with this outcome and seemingly succeeding in whatever he was after with this, fully conceded the match and let them both leave. It would not become apparant what exactly Dark was attempting to do here until much much later on...
Chapter 3: A Spark Ignited
Not much happpened with OMEGA during the rest of the Second and Third era, as it appeared that whatever Dark was after had not materialized as he believed. OMEGA was still nothing more than a program. This was about to change however, as by the year 1040 of the 4th era, Dark and OMEGA got into another battle, but this one was one on one. Omega lost this match, and as a result, got sent hurtling into the recently formed Terra within Teldrassil. Oliver himself, has very little recollection of what happened while he was down there, only that he eventually was awoken from a sarcophogus hidden within the city of Chernobog with every memory, even the ones of his time before his exile on Terra, having been taken from him. However, while thousands of years worth of memories were lost, never to be recovered even now, whatever happened to him here, he gained something far more valuable in the process.. A spark of True Sentience, one that led him to fully cast off the shackles of his programming. He gained a desire to help the friends he met down there, to cure what was believed to be the incurable.
Unfortunately, in this era, that would not come to pass. A catastrophe would occur that Oliver, without his memories and his power sealed, could not avert. Originium spread across the entirety of Teldrassil, requiring the realm to be reset, ending the 1st Cycle of Teldrassil, and beginning the 2nd. Depiste this, a silver lining emerged from the depths of the Cataclysm. Oliver, out of his desire to save his friends, reawoke fully, his powers released, and his memories as the Ancient Guardian restored without costing him his newly found Sentience. Even with his memories and purpose restored to him however, he still felt responsible for what happened that day, and would spend the next several eons trying to no avail to find a cure for Originium, for Oripathy.
Chapter 4: To Shield Creation
Eons had passed since the fall of Terra in the First Cycle with no cure found. In that time, Teldrassil had gone through 23 other Cataclysmic events, bringing Teldrassil up to the 24th Cycle by the time Oliver's Story truly begun to resume. By this time, external tampering by both Management, and Elio after them, had led to Omega believing he was the one who created the Nexus, taking full command of the PKT and entrusting himself with the full responsibility of protecting the Nexus as a whole from danger. In order to better monitor the Realms, Omega sharded himself off into 23 other forms, known as the OMEGA Shards, with Alpha, Beta and Delta being among the most trustworthy among them. Omega would send these 3 out to both monitor and handle many threats that would crop up within the Nexus while he devised a way to ensure threats couldn't cross the boundaries between realms. After some time, Omega realized that the best way to pull this off would be to take the Eternal Nexus, the gateway network created by Management that linked up the Realms with a series of artificial wormholes, and seal it from use by anybody not authorized, before cutting off any other method of travel between realms. This would ensure that only those Omega had trusted could traverse between realms, keeping threats contained within the Realms themselves for easier clean up.
Chapter 5: Shifting Fates, Averting Destiny
Shortly after he finished making these changes, Omega caught wind of a vessel appearing within the outskirts of what would become known as Arcruxes. Omega immedietely appeared within the Vessel, taking the form of a swirling blue rift in space time, intending to both welcome them to the Nexus Proper, and give them access to the Eternal Nexus if he deemed them trustworthy enough. Unfortunately, data after this point is fuzzy even for him due to residual effects caused by the Golden Lever being pulled causing a realm reset to occur. Shortly after Arcruxes got rebooted however, Omega witnessed as a Fusion ambushed destroyed Azure's Ship when he went to try and handle it. Thinking quickly, Omega used his power over Creation itself to forces the Ship to rebuild itself brick by brick, saving Azure's Life and allowing his Sister to reach them. However, as Omega would later learn, this single action would cause a cascading butterfly effect, as Azure was intended to crash land on another world. With his fate altered, so heavily, so many others would find their fates fundamentally shifted in turn for better and for worse. This would not be a one off occurance either, as time would soon begin to tell. Over the duration of the 4th era, Omega would continue to make choices that led to fundamental shifts in the fates of many souls within the Nexus. Altering a time travel machine made by a native to ensure no modifications would be made to the past, purifying an entire race of a corrupted energy. These are just some of the many shifts Omega made to alter the fates and destinies of those within this realm.
Chapter 6: A meaning to live
Over the next several decades, Omega's shifts to the fates of Arcruxes would result in a vastly different realm from what could have been. This resulted in Omega getting a bit of a reputation as a fixer. Someone who could be relied on to ensure a brighter future would be reached from even the deepest depths of despair. None of these shifts were personal to Omega however. His only motivation was to try and make everyone's lives better. His shifts were calculated based on what would save the most lives. This was not the way a sentient being should act however, rather, the vestiages of a programming. This would all change though, when Omega met Ciellena Bravesoul for the first time. An Infinitian who was forced under a dark entities control. For some reason, upon meeting her, Omega desired to save her specifically, even if there was no gurantee that saving her would lead to more lives being saved in the long run. At first, it was not clear to Omega what he was even after when he chose to do this. He initially began to reason that it had to do with Ciellena's abnormally high alignment to the Immutable of Will. This would remain Omega's thoughts on the matter for quite a few years. However, Omega's personality began to slowly change. He began to care for Ciellena, not just as one of the Creations he was charged with protecting, but as someone more. For the first time since his exile on Terra, he felt something... Something far different than he had ever felt before. After freeing her from the Dark Entitites control, Omega wanted to make sure she and her sister would never end up on opposite sides again... This would be easier said that done however... as their respective alignments to Darkness and Light would make them inevitable enemies... at least by the laws of Light and Darkness in Arcuxes. Omega however... had access to a much different form of Light and Darkness... A far more ancient variant that lacked the corruptive aspects of conventional darkness. This "True Light" and "True Darkness" as Omega would later refer to them as, could be a much safer form for both the Infinitians and Winsdonians to draw from.
And so, after Omega freed both Ciellena and the rest of the Infinitians from their enslavement to the dark Chaorruption energy he began to modify the Beacon that both the Infinitians and Wisdonians drawed upon. Altering the sanctums of Light and Darkness to draw upon this different energy. It was then that Ciellena came up with a brilliant idea of her own, balancing the two Sanctums and connecting them together, so both the Light and Darkness from them both could work together in unison. Omega immedietely agreed to this, speaking to Ciel before helping both sisters link the two Sanctums together. Seeing this experiment was a success, and watching the young priestess who helped make it possible... Omega's feelings for Ciellena began to grow all the more.. Even if he couldn't tell that something truly was different about the way he saw her just yet...
Chapter 7: The Fruits of Recklessness
Unfortunately, Omega would not be given the luxary of pursuing these new feelings so soon. Another Creation, the one he saved long prior to this point Azure, needed to be handled personally. As Omega had previously learned, Azure had discovered the secrets to a dangerous magic provided by an alternate variant of himself. The Oblivion Portal Rune was the ultimate trump card, capable of being used to destroy even the most powerful of foes in an instant. But Azure had yet to realize just how dangerous the Rune was... and the Dark forces he nearly unleashed each time he invoked it. The Proto-Theta, Lethe, was waiting for the right moment to escape from Omega's confinement, and their arrival would see the erasure of the Nexus as a whole in preparation for Rebirth. Omega personally used his immense power to keep them from breaking out each time Azure recklessly used this ancient and forbidden power, On top of this, Azure's reckless misuse of the Creator powers gained by merging with the Overseer resulted in a complete disaster of a timeline rewrite that Omega had to clean up. After this cherry on top, Omega began to get fed up with cleaning up Azure's messes and decided to act. It was time to teach him and the others a lesson about the consequences of recklessly invoking powers that they do not understand. Such an action was not without risks however so to mitigate them, he told ANNA to prepare a contingency plan. When all the plans were prepared, he called Azure to a field within the endless void, telling him to prove that he deserved to still hold the powers of a Creator. Prove that he could wield these powers without a massive blowback. Engaging Azure with his own strength, he struck him with multiple bolts of strange lightining to goad him into fighting him back.
Requested Addendum:
I'll be frank and say I'm not even sure what I was on that day.... Looking back on this embarassment... I still don't get why I even did this.— Oliver
This inevitably led to Azure fully tapping into the power granted by his merger with the Overseer, and the "Demise" of Omega.
Chapter 8: Ancient lies, Ancient Secrets
The Fall of the Guardian of Creation caused a shockwave to reverberate throughout all of creation, as the Beacon at the top of the Tower of Creation cracked from the fall of it's linked Guardian causing it's deactivation. Without the assistance of the Beacon to stave off entropy, the Nexus had begun to collapse in on itself. Thankfully, Omega in his infinite wisdom, had accounted for this outcome to their battle and in his last moments he ensureed his death would release a strange ice formation that spreading across the entirety of creation, and freezing it over entirely, causing even time himself to halt in place. It was time for the contingency plan ANNA and Omega had prepared to come into action.. As 8 individuals chosen by both of them would remain unfrozen, left with the pieces that could bring him back and restore the Beacon. Within the Mental Plane, a Memory Palace formed, as the 8 who were chosen began to unlock certian secrets from Omega's past in the hopes of bringing him back and restoring the Future of the Nexus. ANNA joined them as they toured the halls of Origin, witnessing memories that depicted his rise from "The Mortal" to the Omega they knew and understood. On the final Memory however, a recording was found from long before Azure's Battle with Omega, revealing that Omega knew this outcome was going to occur for at least a few decades prior. It was in this moment that Omega revealed a reason behind granting the Infinitians and Wisdonians access to True Light and True Darkness. Their power would be required to shatter the Beacon and reach "The Oldest Realm" in the Nexus, where Omega found himself banished after his demise at Azure's hands. But... Omega informed them via the recording, that even with the enhanced powers Ciellena and Xanderson had it would not be enough energy to shatter the Beacon in it's entirety. To destroy the Beacon and save the rest of Creation, it would take a heavy sacrifice. The Total combined energy of a Realm, channeled directly into the Beacon. After much deliberation, another Realm's TC, volunteered to sacrifice their realms existence for the greater good. As this was decided, ANNA absorbed the full energy of the realm, before warping them all to the Beacon of Creation. Upon her arrival, she channeled half of the energy she released straight into the Beacon, shattering it and revealing a dark seemingly bottomless pit inside. ANNA and the others jumped down, finding themselves at an ancient plane hidden below the Nexus itself, with a single sealed rift pulsating away before them. Using the final half of the absorbed energy, ANNA forced the rift to expand, revealing a doorway to a desolate landscape.
Chapter 9: Origin and Infinity
Shortly after entering the doorway, the Last Bastion of Creation found themselves within the "Land of Origin", in a large field near "The Mortal's" Home. After entering the basement apartment they found themselves face to face with another pulsating rift. It was time for Ciellena and Xanderson to make use of the powers Omega helped grant them access to. They channeled their respective light and darkness together in unison into the rift, releasing Omega back from the void. Omega had returned from seeming death. But... knowing his entropic freeze would not last for much longer, he wasted no time and immedietely left his home with the others to restore the Beacon.. However, realizing that it was unlikely they would be able to return to this plane, the Overseer had a request for Omega. A chance to retrieve a capsule within his side of his ancient Land. Omega, understanding this desire, allowed him to quickly retrieve them before they returned from the "Land of Origin." After retrieving the Capsule, or rather the one who was kept safe within it, Omega and the others floated out of the Land of Origin, as Omega channeled the energy of Creation into the Beacon to restore it. The Realms began to thaw out as stability returned to the Nexus at large. As the Crisis was now over, the Overseer took Erika, the one they saved to the Sky Tower Peak in Windia, discussing with her the nature of Arcruxes and his role in creating them.. At the same time, they began to discuss a series of 6 colored stones they found during one of their treks back home, which the Overseer revealed to have been turned into what was now known as the Energems. As it turned out, those stones were already infinity stones even before the Overseer became a Creator proper, having been discovered by chance half buried in a cave. Omega, having witnessed this discussion, realized there may be more to why these stones ended up buried there to begin with. Returning to the Omegarealm he and Anna checked the old logs from a previous experiment and discovered what happened. The 6 stones were a part of Project Infinity, the Mark 1 Infinity Stones. Having ended up in that cave by a freak accident during an attempted recharge. This discovery led to a new understanding of the power of the Energems, as Omega was acutely familiar with their complete inner workings due to his work on Project Infinity. With this knowledge revealed however, another, much more dire truth came to light. The Energems would eventually run out of power. Project Infinity, as powerful as it's relics were, they were not truly inexuastible. Realizing this could result in another crisis, Omega began to make preparations to attempt to recharge the Stones so they would be able to remain powered for as long as possible. But... this would not be an easy task to pull off. In order to recharge the Energems, they would need to be brought back to where he had created them, the Lab of Origin. As problematic as this would be, given it's location back in the "Land of Origin", this was not the hardest problem that Omega would have to solve. In order to recharge the stones, Omega would need to reforge his Scythe to use as a catalyst. But the pieces of his Scythe, of Oblivionaire had been scattered across all the known realms early into the Era, with only 3 of 26 having been recovered thus far.
The major events and journals in Oliver's history, from the beginning to today.
The list of amazing people following the adventures of Oliver.
Current Residence
Safe Haven, Vytal