When Caleb Harrison arrives in the remote town of Dúnnaofa, he’s searching for a fresh start, not knowing the secrets that await him at the enigmatic Rúndiamhair Shíoraí Manor. Drawn to the manor's ancient stone walls, its foreboding presence, and its elusive...
In a haunting exploration of fate and suffering, Lilith, a weary traveler, encounters Adam and Eva, a couple offering refuge. As a storm brews, her presence brings unforeseen consequences, unraveling hidden truths. Amidst love and loss, Lilith confronts her...
In a decaying urban landscape, a young creature embarks on a journey to plant a unique tree, seeking connection and purpose. As she navigates the eerie ruins and descends into a forgotten realm, she confronts the intertwined fates of nature and civilization,...
The last Life Tree has died and Aer has been consumed by Erebos, the realm of darkness. But nothing lasts forever and the time of awakening has come. The Narrator begins to call forth those who slumber within Erebos and in telling their stories, awakens the...
Thirteen years after the Burning of Delphinus, two wayward sisters lead vastly different lives far across the floating, ancient continent of Kyril. However, the world never sleeps, and peace is ever fragile against the machinations of ambition and greed....
When tricked by the green-haired witch, the beautiful Marfisa is forced to embark on a dangerous adventure to find the misterious Madalgarius and join his quest to discover the origin of three golden fey apples. Along with Medulfa and Aesara, she needs to...
On the Day of the First Snow, when humanity lost everything, a baby was born. This child must now carry a burden she never asked for and go on a quest for the eternal salvation of the human race.
Aria Baxter fell through a portal when she was ten years old. Seven years later, she discovers that she as also the gift of Mystic energy. Is this maybe the reason why she fell through that portal, and will she see her father ever again.
The bluron’s wings delivers a stark command of death as the Empire teeters on the edge of a most uncivil war. For the first time in Her long history, a ducal line has failed. The last duke of Etendulat is dead and none of his heirs have undertaken the Trials...
It seems to Aimé Deverell that there is very little point to life, except for what pleasures can be enjoyed before the grave. Life is short - thank God - but at least there's enough in the world to dull the senses in the meantime.
That philosophy shatters...